Soccer Emergency Action Plan

Emergency Action Plan for Travel Soccer

20 November 2018


SRA Field Locations

Rutgers Main and Side: “The field is behind CADES school. The entrance is off of Strath Haven Avenue, near the intersection with Westminster Avenue.”

Henderson Field: “The field is located next to the Swarthmore Swim Club, at the intersection of Riverview Road and Widener Way.”


Nearest Hospital to SRA Fields

Springfield Hospital, 190 W. Sproul Rd, Springfield PA 19064


Severe Injury Procedure

If a player is injured, we follow EPYSA guidelines:

In the event of a severe injury (e.g. cardiac arrest, broken bone, head or neck) during practice or a game or if a player is gravely ill or unconscious or unresponsive, take the following steps:

  1. Do not attempt to move a player who may have a spinal cord injury!
  2. Contact emergency medical services immediately, providing the location of the field, your name, and a contact number. Provide the player’s known medical conditions.
  3. If medically-trained personnel are on field, they may provide first aid as required. Provide the player’s known medical conditions.
  4. Contact the player’s guardians or emergency contacts as soon as possible. Provide the circumstances of the injury and the actions taken on the field.
  5. Contact the Executive Director as soon as possible. Provide name of the injured player, circumstances of the injury, and actions taken on field.

Coach should always have emergency contact information and a basic first aid kit at practices and games. Coach should be aware if any players have specific medical conditions (e.g. asthma, allergies, diabetes) that may require special consideration.


Inclement Weather Policy

In case of inclement weather, we follow EPYSA guidelines:

In the case that lightning is seen or thunder is heard during a practice or a game, clear the field and find shelter. Do not return to play until 30 minutes since the last occurrence of lightning or thunder. The best shelter is inside a building. The sheds at Rutgers and Henderson are NOT adequate protection. If no permanent shelter is available, get inside a car with the windows rolled up.


In case of dangerously hot and humid weather (heat index of 115 or more) cancel practices or games.

In case of very hot weather (heat index of 105 or more), take a minimum 5 minute break (in the shade if possible) every 15 minutes of play (practice or game). Monitor players for heat cramps or heat exhaustion.

In case of hot weather (heat index of 90 or more), take a minimum 5 minute break (in the shade if possible) every 30 minutes of play (practice or game). Monitor players for heat cramps or heat exhaustion.


Goal Safety

Before practice or games, make sure large goals are weighted down with sandbags to prevent tip over.